Digital library Scribd offers 30 days of free online books
The American e-book and audiobook subscription service Scribd offers everyone 30 days of free access to its digital library. With over 1 million free copies of audiobooks, e-books, and magazines without commitment or credit card information.
Due to the coronavirus, a lot of people are stuck at home because of that Scribd decided to offer their entire digital library for free for a month. In a letter, Scribd CEO and founder Trip Adler explained why, ‘Our goal is simply to ensure everyone has access to their favorite books, authors and quality content as we settle into our new normal for the next few weeks.’
Free bestsellers
Although Scribd is an American website, its 30 days of free access works internationally as well. Offering bestsellers like The Subtle Art of Giving a F*ck (Mark Manson), Good Omens (Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman), and Homo Deus (Yuval Noah Harari). Normally, Scribd already offers a 30-day free trial, but that requires you to give credit card information. To sign up don’t forget to use the free link if you don’t use the free Scribd offer, you might be asked to give credit card information.
Text: M VL, picture: freestocks