
Practicals back on higher education campuses from the 30th of November

Ben Weyts, minister of Education and member of NV-A (Flemish nationalist and conservative party), announced that practical courses can take place on campus again. These practical courses include lab exercises and skills training, and can continue on campus again, starting from November 30. This decision was made together with all Flemish colleges and universities, based on the declining COVID-19 statistics.

Because of the alarming COVID-19 figures, education switched to code black at the end of October. Minister Weyts reconsidered this measure, and decided that practical classes can take place on campus again with the necessary safety rules. Besides, individual study sessions can take place on campus again. This rule only applies to vulnerable students who need a quiet study spot.

‘Safety is still a priority, but we have to provide optimal education’, mentions minister Weyts in De Morgen. ‘For some study fields, this is impossible without practical courses.’

Text: Jilke Tielemans, photo: © Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels