
‘Love your eyes’: Today is World Sight Day

Today is World Sight Day, an annual celebration that is held in the second week of October. This day is meant to raise global awareness of vision impairment and blindness. 

This year’s World Sight Day theme is ‘Love your eyes’, which is meant to encourage people around the world to be aware of their eye health. Everyone is advised to take an eye test, be conscious of any vision changes, and maintain their ongoing treatment in case there is an existing eye condition.

According to a report on vision published in 2019 by World Health Organization, at least 2.2 billion people around the world have a vision impairment. Experts advise young people to get an eye test every two years. Even so, many students neglect this aspect. ‘The last time I got an eye test was five years ago’, says Andrei Stiru, a student at Thomas More. ‘I should do it more often. I know it’s important, and I know I should get tested even though I don’t think there is anything wrong. I can’t be sure, because I’m not an expert,’ explains Andrei.

To spread the message all over the world, The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness launched a campaign, encouraging people to take an eye test and use the hashtag #Loveyoureyes on social media.

Text: Laurentia Jora, final editor: Andrei Stiru
Image: © Laurentia Jora