Mental health continues to be a major problem for students
The mental well-being of students is more alarming than most people think. This is shown in a recent study done by the Flemish Association of Students. 16.000 students were questioned to shed light on the subject. Even though the study concludes that overall most students are doing relatively well, the smaller group that is struggling should not be ignored.
Students’ mental health has been an ongoing issue for years. Though 9 out of 10 students claim that the COVID-19 pandemic caused an increase in psychological problems. A lot of them often feel exhausted, insecure and depressed. The study even shows that 17,2% have had suicidal thoughts, which is a significant increase compared to the previous years.
The research also shows that students are often unaware of the existing aid available at their schools. They rarely know who they can talk to about their issues. There seems to be a big gap between students who suffer from mental issues and those who will actually reach out for help. The ongoing stigma and shame surrounding this topic appear to be the biggest cause.
If you are struggling with negative or suicidal thoughts, you can always call the number 1813. This line is both anonymous and free for everyone.
Text & Image : Charlotte Haemels, Final Editor: Zoë Van Schooten