The Belgian Government announced the new COVID winter strategy
Wishes for a COVID free festive season may still not be granted, as the government has once again convened and decided on new measures. They have announced the new COVID winter strategy and the following areas have been affected:
#WFH (Work From Home) IS BACK
The one-day maximum of working at the office has been extended until the 19th of December, after which it will increase to a two-day maximum. The remaining workdays have to be done from home.
It was decided that indoor youth activities should be limited. Organisations such as the Chiro, KSA and Scouts are encouraged to organise as many outdoor activities as possible. When indoors, all attendees over 10 years of age have to wear a mouth mask and a maximum of 50 people is allowed inside.
Additionally, all nightclubs and dance halls will be closed until further notice.
All indoor public events have to follow the CST (Covid Safe Ticket) rules, as well as enforce mouth masks and all attendees must be seated.
The activities and competitions may still take place, although without an audience. Under 18 year old’s may be accompanied by a parent.
With the exception of funerals and weddings, private gatherings held indoors are prohibited. This does not include family gatherings, although self-testing is encouraged for hosts and guests. At weddings and funerals, 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors are allowed with the CST. Dancing at these events is allowed, with a face mask.
The seating limit per table is 6, although a household can sit together regardless of size. The curfew has also been brought back, with restaurants and bars closing at 11 PM.
Officials have been asked to be strict in the enforcement of these new restrictions.
Finally, the three guidelines recommended to stay safe are to limit your contacts, ventilate and self-test.
These regulations will be re-evaluated on the 15th of December.
Author: Danica Van der Merwe, Final Edit: Jana Huysmans
Photo: © Danica Van der Merwe